Jan Willem’s role sees him working extensively across a number of areas within Logica, although he is particularly experienced within the areas of Public Sector, Shared Services, Citizen Centric Services, Public Innovation, and Public
Private Partnerships more specifically.
Jan Willem strongly believes that ICT is the enabler for innovation and contributes to a smarter, participative, transparent, safer and greener society. He also views standardization, collaboration and leadership by the public authorities as
essential for successful transitions in the Public Sector. For Jan Willem ICT stands for Innovation, Collaboration and Transparency.
Jan Willem Boissevain is an engaging and well-regarded speaker. His presentation style has been described as "engaging" and of "high information density". Jan Willem likes to bring real world illustrations and
case studies of experience and best practice to his presentations and has a skill for involving the audience and encouraging lively debate.
He is happy to participate in roundtable and panel discussions as well as giving standalone presentations. Jan Willem will be speaking at a number of high profile conferences and events later on this year, including for example, the
Digitaal Bestuur Congres, PICNIC, and a couple of Cloud60 seminars.