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Robert Metzke - Senior Director EcoVision Program Philips

Robert is Senior Director at Royal Philips Electronics and responsible for developing and implementing the Philips EcoVision innovation program globally. The program consists of a set of strategic challenges that are part of the Philips growth strategy Vision2015 and is funded with 2 bln EUR:

  • Bringing care to people
    Target: 500 million lives touched by 2015
  • Improving energy efficiency of Philips products
    Target: 50% improvement by 2015 (for the average total product portfolio) compared to 2009
  • Closing the materials loop
    Target: Double global collection and recycling amounts and recycled materials in products in 2015 compared to 2009

Before joining Philips Robert worked as project manager at McKinsey & Co (5 years experience in strategy & innovation in high-tech, health-care and public sector). Robert has a background in science publishing (5 years editor at Science/AAAS) and academic research (theoretical solid state physics). He is married, has three children and lives in the Netherlands.

An Innovative Truth III - Congres over Duurzame ICT en Energie - 22 juni 2011 - BeatrixTheater Utrecht - workshopspreker Robert Metzke - Philips
Een initiatief van Stichting GreenICT © 2009 - 2011